Swami went to Super speciality hospital to bless the Intentional conference on CardioVascular Diseases-The Sri Sathya Sai Model at 11.15AM. Lot of foreign and well knows surgeons have attended the conference.Swami was there in the conference hall for half an hour while a delegate gave a presentation. after which swami came out of the conference room blessing all the delegates on the way and went back at 12.15PM.
Please note there was no lamp lighting in the morning.
The doctors gave a very beautiful video presentation on our hospital. It covered the following topics
1.How the hospital started?
2.Mission and vision of the hospital
3.Various departments working in the hospitals
4.How many operations have been conducted in each department over the last 18 years
5.Experiences of Doctors and patients in the hospital
and the great service it has done and is continuing to do to the humanity at large.
Swami was very pleased with the presentation and went down and gave padanamaskar to all the delegates and staff members. No creations in the evening.
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