Como parte de la celebración de Guru Purnima, se realizo la Conferencia de Unidad de Religiones se
llevó a cabo el 2 de julio de 2012. En la sesión de la mañana, dos eruditos, personalidades que representan el islam y el hinduismo hablaron
a la gran concurrencia de devotos reunidos en el Sai Kulwant Hall. Sri
Srirangarajan, controlador de los exámenes del Sri Sathya Sai Instituto de
Estudios Superiores, presentó a los dos oradores para la sesión. Eran
el Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Jefe del Departamento de Estudios Islámicos, Jamia Milla
Islamia, de Nueva Delhi y Su Santidad Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
As part of Guru Purnima celebrations, Unity of Faiths Conference was
conducted on 2nd July 2012. In the morning session, two erudite
speakers, towering personalities representing Islam and Hinduism spoke
to the large gathering of devotees assembled in Sai Kulwant Hall. Sri
Srirangarajan, Controller of Examinations, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of
Higher Learning introduced the two speakers for the session. They were
Prof. Akhtarul Wasey, Head of Department, Islamic Studies, Jamia Milla
Islamia, New Delhi and His Holiness Swami Dayananda Saraswati.
Sri Srirangarajan began with placing his reverential salutations at
the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan. A notable feature of his talk was he
interspersed with clips from Bhagawan’s Discourses. On account of
distorted interpretation, people of many religions are misguided. The
outcome is violence and bloodshed. If you know who you are, you will
understand what religion is.” Continuing further, he said, “True
spirituality means the spirit in you is present in everyone.
Realisation is religion.
Prof. Akhtarul Wasey said that it was his privilege and pleasure to be
at Prasanthi Nilayam as a pilgrim. A true Muslim will respect all
religions. Echoing a lofty statement, the learned speaker said,
“Whoever is born is born for doing service.” Giving the true meaning
of Jihad, the speaker said, Jihad does not mean holy war but supreme
struggle against evil desires and other evil tendencies.
After the talk of Prof. Wasey, H.H. Dayananda Saraswasti, a
traditional teacher of Vedanta said that he was happy to be here
because he is at the abode of the Person who has inspired not only
people of this country but people of all cultures and religions. The
speaker expressed that what goes under the name Hinduism is one
Sanathana Dharma, never founded by anybody; a Dharma which produced in
every generation great people. When a philosopher was asked about
Hinduism, he said, it is the view and way of life. H.H. Dayananda
Saraswati concluded his talk by saying that Baba validated all forms
of prayer and worship. God understands all languages, any form of

Gurupurnima Celebrations on 3rd July at Prashanti Nilayam
Prashantinilayam,3rdJuly 2012
The Gurupurnima celebrations got off to a flying start this morning in a bedecked
Sai Kulwant Hall filled to capacity.The programme commenced with Vedam
and Pancha Vadyam at 0800 hrs followed by "GuruVandana",singing the
glory of the Guru,by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher
Sri Kota Siva
Kumar,an alumnus of Bhagavan's University speaking from personal
experience and with help of many anecdotes explained how Bhagawan
awakens,warns,encourages progress and immerses with his grace.The second
speaker was Dr.Narendranath Reddy,the chairman of Prashanti council
and Director of the Sri Sathya Sai World Foundation recounted various
activities under taken by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisations,Worldwide
with a special focus on Medical Care.He made a special mention of the
continuing efforts put up by the volunteer in earthquake affected
regions of Haiti and Japan.
Sri Nimish
Pandya,the National Vice President of Sri Sathya Sai
Organisations,India,in-charge of the education wing concluded his talk
saying that the Sai Organisation believes in the power of the youth and
is confident that a new generation of office bearers will take the
Organisation even more forward by the Loving grace of Bhagawan.
The talks were
followed by an Introductory speech by Sri Sai Giridhar,Research Scholar
at SSSIHL and an audio clipping of Bhagawan's Gurupurnima
Discourse,where he explains who a Guru is,exhorting the audience to not
salute him as he is not different from them and if we must salute,salute
ourselves for the same Divinity is manifested in everyone.
Gurupurnima Celebrations on 3rd July (Evening) at Prashanti Nilayam
Prashantinilayam,3rdJuly 2012
The Guru Purnima Celebrations came to
a grand conclusion with a concert by Malladi brothers who have become a
mainstay in Prashanti Nilayam during the Guru Purnima festivity
since2007.Commencing with Rama Nannu Brovara,they performed many new
including Brahma Jnana Pradayaka,SathyaSai Deva and Bangara
Chirunavvu.However the highlight of the programme was the absolute fault
less rendition of the Tyagaraja krithi.Brocheva.The rendition of
the Malladi Brothers,Malladi Sreeramprasad and Malladi Ravi Kumar was
enhanced by the able accompaniment of 'Kalaimamani' Embar S.Kannan on the violin and 'Kalaimamani' Mannargudi Easwaran on the Mrudangam.
In their characteristic style they concluded the concert with the
'Mangalam' song, Ramachandraya..
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