
¨Donde quieras que vayas, no importa, donde vayas cumple siempre con tu deber…y sabe que yo siempre estaré allí, dentro de ti guiándote en cada paso del camino.
En los años por venir me experimentarán en muchas manifestaciones diferentes de mi forma.
Tú eres yo mismo, más que amado para mí.
Te protegeré como los parpados protegen a los ojos. Tú ya me tienes, así como yo te tengo a ti. Nunca te abandonaré y tú nunca podrás abandonarme.
De ahora en adelante, no desees ni anheles nada desempeña tu deber con un amor invariable, viendo a todos como a Dios.
Sé paciente a su debido tiempo, todo te será dado.
Sé Feliz, no hay necesidad de preocuparse por nada sea lo que fuere que se experimente, sea lo que fuera que suceda, sabe que este avatar así lo quiso.
No existe poder en el mundo que pueda demorar ni por un instante la misión para la cual este avatar ha venido.
Todos Ustedes son almas sagradas y tienen asignado el papel que habrán de desempeñar en el drama de La Nueva Edad de Oro que vendrá…¨.


jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012



 Continuing the thread from last evening's beautiful South African presentation airing greater concern for animal kingdom and Mother Earth, SSSSO - Odisha presented a unique programme entitled "A Crisis In Values' this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation is a part of the ongoing Parthi Yatra by the devotees from Odisha. The Musical Dance Drama by the inmates of Sai Karunalaya (under the rehabilitation programme for flood victims) and Bal Vikas children from Ambadola Samithi was an allegorical enactment of the greater challenges threatening the Animal Kingdom in the face of deteriorating values among humans. Revolving around the story of a dog attacking and killing an innocent rabbit for no valid reason, against the tenets of Animal Kingdom, the story unfolds revealing the core problem being face by the Kingdom today, threat from man who violates all righteous principles, flouting and transgressing values. The dog, a loyal servant of human in a house, under the influence of 'contaminated' food served by the immoral and unethical men, who were into bad ways in life, got into stealing food and thus getting severe beatings before opting to run away for its life. Badly influenced by man's unethical influence through food, it lost its natural quality of loyalty and gratefulness. Exonerating the dog from any punishment, after having found it's act coming under the influence of evil, the Animal Kingdom got into breaking its heads to save it from the ever greedy and unrighteous influence of men. Humans are the most terrible animals echoed the Kingdom opining that they also should be allowed to live happily. Pondering over the issue in detail, for a viable solution to make life better and safe in the Kingdom, protecting it from 'humanimals', upon understanding that Avatar descended upon Earth to protect His creation, the kingdom got into prayer mode with united voice for His munificence in manifesting in the Kingdom to protect animals from danger of perishing. King Lion majestically declared: God is not only Avatar of man; He is our God too...leading from the front praying for His greater benevolence. Assurance came from God as His voice rung out, loud and majestic, that the Animal Kingdom does not require God's direct manifestation as animals never violate or transgress the line of Dharma. The presentation ended with the Kingdom saluting The Lord, singing its heart out, "Hum Ko Thum Se..." The presentation was interspersed with meaningful dialogues and soulful music and dance. A devotional music programme, Sai Symphony, by the youth followed. Singing paeans to Bhagawan the youth sang five songs, Antar Jyothi Jalao Sai..., Kaise Jiyun Mein Yun Tere Bin, Jaya Jaya Jagadjanani Devi, Yahas Bhi Sai Wahan Bhi Sai, Tere Sharan Mein Aaye Mere Ram...Sai Ram...Sai Ram...

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