
¨Donde quieras que vayas, no importa, donde vayas cumple siempre con tu deber…y sabe que yo siempre estaré allí, dentro de ti guiándote en cada paso del camino.
En los años por venir me experimentarán en muchas manifestaciones diferentes de mi forma.
Tú eres yo mismo, más que amado para mí.
Te protegeré como los parpados protegen a los ojos. Tú ya me tienes, así como yo te tengo a ti. Nunca te abandonaré y tú nunca podrás abandonarme.
De ahora en adelante, no desees ni anheles nada desempeña tu deber con un amor invariable, viendo a todos como a Dios.
Sé paciente a su debido tiempo, todo te será dado.
Sé Feliz, no hay necesidad de preocuparse por nada sea lo que fuere que se experimente, sea lo que fuera que suceda, sabe que este avatar así lo quiso.
No existe poder en el mundo que pueda demorar ni por un instante la misión para la cual este avatar ha venido.
Todos Ustedes son almas sagradas y tienen asignado el papel que habrán de desempeñar en el drama de La Nueva Edad de Oro que vendrá…¨.


sábado, 20 de julio de 2013


Prashantinilayam,20th July 2013

The three day celebrations sponsored by the All India Seva organization of Maharashtra and Goa as a preamble to the Guru Poornima celebrations of this year concluded this evening with a musical performance titled " Quantum Signature of God - Confluence of  Science & Spirituality" a music presentation by Shri Ganesh Atre & team.Brilliantly combining Scientific Enquiry and Spirituality this was truly a signature performance by Ganesh Atre,who incidentally is an alumni of the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning.
The presentation attempted to blend Spirituality and Science and Music to unveil the Truth that Science can cross its comfort zone, experiment, to experience to understand and explain God. When man turns inquisitive he poses innumerable questions and today's programme was organised in a question and answer pattern interspersed with musical delight, dwelling into the subjects referred to in the answers provided by Sri Atre.
Girish Atre, an alumna from the very first batch of Prasanthi Nilayam Campus, of 1979, is an accomplished musician with a flair for research. His comments were crisp and all related to the confluence of Science and Spirituality. How, standing atop the Eifel Towers helps one to get a complete view of Paris, similar way, standing atop the Eifel Tower of  Science the programme attempted to explain Spirituality...and the programme ended with an answer that Quantum Signature of God is God's Pure Love, that is the base of everything, the Force behind all forces. During the one hour programme Girish Atre touched upon various scientific theories attributing to legendary scientists with the probability theory of understanding spirituality with the help of science.
Meaningful songs that came as interlude with great import were:  Tejomaya NaadaBrahma Ho..., Nirmanom Ke Paavana Yug Mein..., Maata Kaali Kaa..., Yahaam Sai Vahaam Sai Har Jagat Sai Sai..., Teraman Darpan Kahlaaye..., Ghat Ghat Mein Panchi Bolta (Kabir), Laagom Mein Royaaru Fakiri Mein... (Kabir) etc.  Girish Atre was accompanied by Suvarna Mategaekar and Ketaki Mategaekar on vocal, Parag Mategaekar on Harmonium, Amruta Dewekar on the Keyboard and Amit Kunte on Tabla..
Girish Atre is incidentally the first bhajan singer, who was blessed by Baba to sing the first ever bhajan in Prasanthi Mandir.. 
SAINATH SV Computers
Puttaparthi India

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